20 april, 80.1kg, shotbingo med spexgänget

Idag stod vågen på 80.1kg  (ner 0.6 kg jämfört med igår)

Blekinge Distans Spexare träff

På kvällen begav jag mig för att träffa alla härliga vänner i Blekinge Distans Spex. Det blev mycket sång, skratt och även traditionell Shotbingo. Skönt att man fortfarande kan massa spexsånger hyfsat OK :). Superkul att träffa er allihopa!

Shotbingo, ordning och reda

Shotbingo, ordning och reda

Min bingobricka

Min bingobricka

Vi körde som vanligt. Första bingon vid en rad, sen kryss eller kors och sen full bricka. När vi kört klart första brickan så hade jag några shottar kvar och postade därför följande på Facebook i hopp om att rätt nummer skulle slumpas ut.

Hej. Vi spelar shotbingo och behöver lite nummer så gör oss en tjänst och posta några här 🙂

Tyvärr blev inte resultatet det rätta. Jag hade ju postat en tydlig bild på just min bricka sedan tidigare. Nedan följer konversationen som följde 🙂

a – ‎3 10 13 17
b – what number range? eller vad de heter på svenska
c ‎42
Victor Adolfsson Fler nr. Är törstig
a – ‎12 04 20
d – ‎25
e – ‎46 8 48
f – ‎6
d – ‎44
Victor Adolfsson Du får inte hitta på egna (dina egna nr) d!!!!
a – ‎19 37 11
g – ‎19 27
Victor Adolfsson Tack d o e
h ‎- 23
Victor Adolfsson Nu blir det ny runda och då sköter x bingomaskinen. Tack för hjälpen 🙂
h – Var kan nummren vara någonstanns?
i – ‎1 2 75 6 7…
11:07pm · Unlike
h – Fredrik, FUSK!!!
i – Så får du sjunga också 😉
h – Gutår på er…
k – ‎@Victor. Hälsa alla så gott, de va riktigt trevlig att träffa er igen. Ses imorgon!
l – ‎22, 46, 54, 7
m – ‎9
n – ‎21,10
23 hours ago
o – Femtioelva
23 hours ago
p – sjuttitolv 😉
23 hours ago
q – Just hemkommen från en lugn jobbkväll, ligger några efter tror jag Skål
22 hours ago
Victor Adolfsson Läggdags här med. Missar mötet imorrn då jag ska gå foxtrotkurs lör o sön
22 hours ago
r – Lysande.. Kanske skall tas upp som underhållning på vårmötet!

Så, om jag ställer samma fråga någon mer gång och ni ser att jag postat en bricka med en massa nummer lite tidigare, så kan ni väl “råka” slumpa ut just de numrena. 🙂

Stackars taxichaufför på hemvägen som fick stå ut med några ordvitsar. 🙂


Frukost: 3 frallor med ost, skinka

Lunch: Villa Oscar buffe, blandad mat

Middag: Chicken vindaloo xhot-ris

Övrigt: 2 rundor shotbingo, chips, cheezeballs, 2 äpplen

19 april, 80.7kg inget speciellt idag

Idag stod vågen på 80.7kg (upp 0.4kg jämfört med igår)


Nu har det närmaste beachvolleyturneringsschemat för Karlskrona lagts ut på www.kfumkarlskrona.se. Schemat ser ut så här.
5 maj Scandic Challenger Herr
12 maj Sisu Open Herr
26 maj Deloitte Open Herr
2 juni TeamSportia Open Herr & Dam
7 juli Inter Sport Open Herr & Dam

Letar därefter en partner att spela med 🙂


Frukost: 3 knäckebröd med rostbiff och keso chipotle chili

Lunch: pasta med kebabostsås samt salsaköttfärssås

Middag: Lite chili con carne (kl 21.30)

Övrigt: 3 kakor, äpple, clementin, gojibär, 2 morötter

18 april, 80.3kg, Boxfit at Lokomotion

Today the weight was 80.3kg (down 0.2 kg since yesterday). Sweet! 🙂


My collegue had the idea that I should try Boxfit after me posting something about going to Lokomotion (one of the local gyms here in Karlskrona). So we ended up being four lindy hop dancers going there :). Also met two friends from the class before, one of them is also a lindy hopper 🙂 and the other was the Zumba instructor. In total we were 7 participants plus the instructor for the Boxfit class. The exercises (thanks Karla for reminding me of the exercises I had forgot!):

  • Datten (pjett) – This is an original childs game but good for get the cardio pumping. One person is appointed “hunter” and should then run after the others and touch one who then becomes the hunter and so it continues for a few minutes. Score! I was the only one who never became the hunter. I guess my recent zombie-evading-runs are actually paying off 🙂
  • Normal punches – Now we took turns holding the “mitsar” (sort of protective gear) and hitting. First normal straight punches (left to right and right to left), then hooks (more from the side with bent elbows). To finish it up we did uppercuts. Then we began from the beginning again and one could feel that this was a good and fun exercise! Also, just holding the “mitsar” proved to be good training as well.
  • Light punches on the big “mits” while both bending legs, with some jumps to break the pattern and to activate more muscle groups I guess.
  • Alternating kicks, knees and punches in different levels. First one did straight low kicks on every step towards the partners “mitsar”. The goal here was to keep the tempo. Then we raised the level of the “mitsar” and switched to kneeing. Then normal straight punches and then at the end we were to punch over the partners head (holding the mitsar over ones head was quite painful for the arms :), static training).
  • Combination with kick-turn-kick back and turn. First one kick (side kick) with one leg and one continue the turn so the back is toward the sparring partner. Then you do a horse kick with the other leg (upwards back).
  • The idiot. 10 pushups, run across the floor, do 10 situps, run back and then do the same thing again but only do 9 of each and then onwards 8, 7… down to 1. Quite painful for the stomach/core for me. But good exercise.
  • Very tough exercise for the abs. Lying on the back with legs/feet 10 cm above ground and then lift the legs straight up towards the partners stomach whose ancles you hold on to for support. This was really tough on the abs…
  • The ring. Stood in the ring just japping (punching) with bent knees and stepping/jumping. Then at times the instructor shouted jump, situps or pushup and we followed her command and then back to punching.

I really liked the exercise, it got my heart pumping and I tried something I haven’t tried before. The Boxfit class was 55 minutes long.

Sample exercise from another place



Breakfast: Yoghurt with a banana

Lunch: Villa Oscar buffet, mixed food.

Dinner: Goulash soup

Other: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 clementine, 4 cookies (I deleted them good), Glycoslim-whey-80 strawberry with milk and frozen raspberries. Goji-berries.

17 april, 80.5kg, volleyball, lindy hop shim-sham, KHK t-shirt

Today the weight was 80.5kg (down 1.1kg since yesterday).

KHK t-shirt Mission Completed

Today I met a few of the KHK hockey players when I was buying my t-shirt – KHK Mission Completed. It’s a celebration t-shirt for the advancement to the Allsvenskan, only 300 copies are sold and I signed up early for it.


Beachvolley (indoor) 90 minutes. We played 2 on 2 the whole time. Nice. Got some semi-good spikes to the side 🙂

Lindy hop 40 minutes. We practiced Shim Sham in preparation for the dance performance we are about to give.


Breakfast: Yoghurt with a banana

Lunch: Vindaloo xhot-rice, citrus

Dinner: 2 originalburgers from Max.

Other: 3 cookies, icecream, whey-80 strawberry (protein supplement)


15 april, 81.1kg, bokföring, deklaration, beachvolleyboll, bio Battleship

Idag stod vågen på 81.1 kg (upp 1.2 kg sedan igår)


Beachvolley 40 minuter ute på Långö, 2 set till 21 för min del.


Idag bokförde jag klart och fixade NE bilagan inför deklarationen. Skönt. Inväntar K10 bilagan så att man kan färdigställa allt och lämna den stöttestenen bakom sig.

Bio: Battleship

Kl 18 var det biodags, Battleship med Alexander Skarsgård och Rihanna. Underbar början på filmen gällande chicken burriton :). Filmen var belamrad med specialeffekter och hightech vapen. Och fantastiskt många klyschor och självklart blev ögonen lite tårfyllde på slutet. Riktigt nice film tycker jag! OBS: Ni som ska se den; Tänk på att sitta kvar och se hela eftertexterna för det kommer lite grann efteråt 🙂


Frukost: Yoghurt med start muzli

Lunch: Laxsoppa (stor portion)

Middag: Kebabsallad, cola

Övrigt: Naturgodis, morot

14 april, 79.9 kg, vårfest, vinprovning, dans

Idag stod vågen på 79.9 kg (ner 0.5 kg jämfört med igår)


På kvällen var det vårfest som vi började med lite fördrinkar och snacks. Väl framme på festen så blev det vinprovning med fokus på norra Italien. Det blev ett vitt vin och sedan fyra röda. Favoriten var Masi Amarone Costasera 2007. En annan överraskning var Castel Recioto Della Valpolicella 2007, som var som ett portvin. Sött och gott.



Efter vinprovningen så blev det buffe, också den medelhavsinspirerad.



Efter kaffet så började livebandet spela, riktigt bra. Blev en hel del danser: Lindy Hop, Bugg och Foxtrot, mest bugg idag dock.


Dans 2 timmar (bugg, foxtrot, lite lindy hop)


Frukost: 3 knäckebröd med keso (grillad paprika), antioxidantkapsel

Lunch: Max Bacon Guacamole De Luxe, Pommes frites, coca cola

Middag: 5 glas rödvin, 1 glas vitt vin, buffe (medelhavsinspirerad): Lammracks, tzatziki, lammdolmar, etc

Övrigt: 2 godispåsar, chips, korv, Cosmopolitan, Gin & Tonic, 2 choklad till kaffet


13 april, 80.4kg, crazy stepz dance and long work day

Today the weight was 80.4kg (down 0.5kg compared to yesterday)

Dancing at Crazy Stepz

In the evening I decided to skip both the cinema (at 18.00) as well as the afterwork (at 17.00) since I was working quite late. Instead I took a quick bite to eat at McDonalds and then went to the Crazy Stepz dance (came there 19.10). I had some good and fun dances and tried both Bugg, Lindy Hop, Boogie Woogie and some Foxtrot. Quite fun!!! Then we had fika at 21.00 and then I went back to work at 21.25 or so. I will have to check with my friend if I won anything at the dance (bought two lottery tickets that I handed over to her since I had to leave).


Bugg, lindy hop, boogie woogie, foxtrot 60 minutes

Awesome commercial!


Frukost: Fralla med ost, skinka, skinkost

Lunch: gyrosrulle med stark och vitlökssås

Middag: McFeast, french fries, coca cola.

Övrigt 5 kakor



12 april 80.9kg, no running today, lots of accounting

Today the weight was 80.9kg (down 0.2kg)

No exercise today. I had planned to run 6km with some collegues from work. It was a charity event for Doctors without borders. The problem was that yesterday when I ran 10km I ended up a bit injured (left leg). Hence I skipped both the running and the volleyball training today.


Instead I worked extra at work and at home I took care of some of the accounting for the private company. Still have several more verifications to take care of. This is needed to be able to fix the taxes before leaving for US.


Breakfast: havregrynsgröt med hallonsylt, kanel, ingefära

Lunch: Pastasallad med kyckling och fetaost med vitlökssås

Dinner: Weight watchers grön thai kyckling

3 kakor, noggerglass

Collegue's common-law wife has shifted job -cake

Collegue's common-law wife has shifted job -cake


11 april, 81.1kg, zombie run 10 km in the evening

Today the weight was 81.1 kg (down 0.6kg since yesterday).


Running 55minutes, 10km. This was actually zombie run mission supply run which was an epic fail. At least I learnt something new, that frying pans are not the weapon of choice for zombie attacks.. The weight, and stuff might be perfect but apparently when you hit them, it gives out this resonance sound echo, attracting all zombies in the vicinity.. At least this is what the two radio geeks told me on todays run.


Breakfast: Oatmeal with raspberry jam, cinnamon, ginger

Lunch: Chicken roll with hot sauce and garlic sauce

Dinner: Tikka masala with woked vegetables and spinache and garlic

Other: 3 cookies, 1 gainomax raspberry. Whey-80 strawberry, Dajm milkchoclate

Wednesday fika

Wednesday fika


10 april, 81.7kg, indian food, volleyball practice, lindy hop shim sham practice

Today the weight was at 81.7kg (up 0.9kg since yesterday).


Volleyball 80 minutes

Lindy Hop 60 minutes. This training we practiced the Shim Sham.
Here is an example of how the Shim Sham can look like, performed by our friends in Malmö, Cats Corner. Me and Karla also practiced the first two parts of the Around the World.



Breakfast: 3knäckebröd with keso (grilled peppers), leverpastej, orange juice antioxidant capsule.

Lunch: Chicken saag xhot-ris

Dinner: 1 hot cup “Varma koppen” minestrone, 1 energy bar, 1 cheeseburger

Other: 1 banana, 1 carrot, ice cream