29 maj, 82.2kg, Frankie Manning tribute (Lindy Hop)

Idag stod vågen på 82.2kg (upp 0.1kg jämfört med igår)

Happy birthday Frankie Manning

A few days ago it was Frankie Mannings birthday. He passed away a few years ago and here is a tribute to him and his legacy. He has made a huge impact on the Lindy Hop community all over the world.


Frukost: havregrynsgröt med hallonsylt, ingefära och kanel

Lunch: chicken vindaloo xhot-ris

Middag: hemlagad kycklingfile med röd currypasta, tikka masalasås, thaiwok-grönsaker, pasta

Övrigt: 5 kakor, 1 glass, 88-glass