Today the weight was 80.4kg (down 0.5kg compared to yesterday)
Dancing at Crazy Stepz
In the evening I decided to skip both the cinema (at 18.00) as well as the afterwork (at 17.00) since I was working quite late. Instead I took a quick bite to eat at McDonalds and then went to the Crazy Stepz dance (came there 19.10). I had some good and fun dances and tried both Bugg, Lindy Hop, Boogie Woogie and some Foxtrot. Quite fun!!! Then we had fika at 21.00 and then I went back to work at 21.25 or so. I will have to check with my friend if I won anything at the dance (bought two lottery tickets that I handed over to her since I had to leave).
Bugg, lindy hop, boogie woogie, foxtrot 60 minutes
Awesome commercial!
Frukost: Fralla med ost, skinka, skinkost
Lunch: gyrosrulle med stark och vitlökssås
Middag: McFeast, french fries, coca cola.
Övrigt 5 kakor
