Today the weight was 80.9kg (down 0.2kg)
No exercise today. I had planned to run 6km with some collegues from work. It was a charity event for Doctors without borders. The problem was that yesterday when I ran 10km I ended up a bit injured (left leg). Hence I skipped both the running and the volleyball training today.
Instead I worked extra at work and at home I took care of some of the accounting for the private company. Still have several more verifications to take care of. This is needed to be able to fix the taxes before leaving for US.
Breakfast: havregrynsgröt med hallonsylt, kanel, ingefära
Lunch: Pastasallad med kyckling och fetaost med vitlökssås
Dinner: Weight watchers grön thai kyckling
3 kakor, noggerglass

Collegue's common-law wife has shifted job -cake