Today the weight was 81.1 kg (down 0.6kg since yesterday).
Running 55minutes, 10km. This was actually zombie run mission supply run which was an epic fail. At least I learnt something new, that frying pans are not the weapon of choice for zombie attacks.. The weight, and stuff might be perfect but apparently when you hit them, it gives out this resonance sound echo, attracting all zombies in the vicinity.. At least this is what the two radio geeks told me on todays run.
Breakfast: Oatmeal with raspberry jam, cinnamon, ginger
Lunch: Chicken roll with hot sauce and garlic sauce
Dinner: Tikka masala with woked vegetables and spinache and garlic
Other: 3 cookies, 1 gainomax raspberry. Whey-80 strawberry, Dajm milkchoclate

Wednesday fika