9 april, 80.8kg, brunch, walk, power nap, boogie woogie

The weight today was 80.8kg (down 0.4kg since yesterday)


90 minuter boogie woogie. Today was the last Boogie Woogie occasion. Tomorrow I’ll start training for the “Day of the Dance” were we lindy hoppers will do a choreographed lindy hop dance.

Walk 30 minutes on the islands of Karlskrona.


Breakfeast: Brunch at Gylles (bacon, bread, nutella, salmon, more salmon, ham, cheese, american pancakes, potatoes, jam, water melon, orange, blood orange

Brunch at 3G

Brunch at 3G

Lunch: Gainomax protein bar, skyr blueberry, natural candies, orange juice

Dinner: 2 cheeseburgare

Other: Orange juice