Today the weight was 81.2kg (up 0.1kg since yesterday). Time to get in shape again.
Started the day doing some paperwork (personal as well as for the private company Athenic Arts). At least the table is not filled with papers any longer.
4 minutes rowing machine (1000m). Thredmill 8(?) minutes, 1 mile (?), inclination 10, speed 10. 8 chins.
Spa and fitness with friends
My friend had won a slogan competition and won 2 hours at the spa & fitness facility at a hotel. We started out doing some exercises and then went into the jacuzzi. That was a very well needed rest and time off of everything. Then into the sauna for a while and then back to the jacuzzi. Also had some fruit snacks (pineapple, watermelon, kiwi) and water with either oranges or watermelon to drink.


Fitness center
The Playtones and Top Cats in Hässleholm – Rockabilly party
Tonight I’m going to Hässleholm for a Rockabilly party, to dance to two live bands, The Playtones and Top Cats. Several friends are joining in coming from four different directions. Looking forward to dance Lindy Hop, Boogie Woogie and Bugg tonight. Most likely it will be some Foxtrot as well.
(Updated 2012-04-09)
I picked up one friend along the way and then another two friends in Kristianstad (all of them lives in Karlskrona though). Another four friends showed up at the dance as well so we were eight people that hang together. First of was The Playtones and we started dancing. During the night I danced Lindy Hop (most dances), Bugg (some dances), Boogie Woogie (2-3 dances), Foxtrot (one dance). After The Playtones it was time for Top Cats. It was quite fast tempo songs the whole evening so some dances one had to rest. I really enjoyed the evening and I had several good dances. Then came the long road home, dropping of two in Kristianstad (I didn’t have to drive that distance so that was a relief :). Then dropped the next one in Pukavik and then I was alone in the car. I however got three calls from my friends who wanted to ensure that I got home safely :). I really appreciated the calls :). Thanks everyone for a great evening, I hope we can do it again!

Me and some of my friends
Breakfast: 3 knäckebröd with keso (grilled peppers), ‘leverpastej’, orange juice.
Lunch: Bennies specialpizza (ramlösa citrus to drink)
Dinner: McFeast, french fries, coca cola.
Other: pineapple, watermelon, kiwi, carrot, mumsmums